Beautiful Life. Designed by You.

Loving Yourself to Health.

Discover a Healthier You with Our Comprehensive Medical Weight Loss and Wellness Programs

Improve Your Overall Health

"Small hinges, open big doors"

Consistent, small daily choices result in big changes over time


Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can provide many benefits, including improved energy levels, better mood, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer


Engaging in daily movement has many benefits for our physical and mental health. Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen bones and muscles, and help maintain a healthy weight.


Sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, and there are numerous benefits

to getting a good night's rest.


Fostering a resilient mindset is key for growth. It means cultivating positivity and strategies to tackle challenges, nurturing mental strength for life's journey.

"Coaching sessions with RSW has been life changing for me. Anjelis, your coaching style and approach was extremely effective in helping me refocus, find balance, and push through challenges that I've faced.

Thank you for all of your support."

Imani G.


Rising Stars Wellness offers personalized medical weight loss and nutrition coaching tailored to help busy professionals develop healthy habits.

Wellness Coaching

Receive one-on-one coaching from experts who will guide you in making healthier lifestyle choices that fit into your busy schedule

Medical Weight Loss

Our evidence-based medical weight loss programs are designed by healthcare professionals to help you achieve lasting results safely and effectively

Our Team

Jose Chavez


As a nurse practitioner and medical provider for more than 20 years, I believe in treating each patient with compassion, respect, and dignity.

Weight loss is not just about shedding pounds; it's about reclaiming one's vitality, boosting confidence, and improving overall quality of life.

I am dedicated to providing support, education, and encouragement to help individuals achieve their health and wellness goals.

Anjelis Oliveira


As a nurse and certified wellness coach, I am a dedicated and skilled professional prepared to support individuals in achieving optimal health and well-being.

I am passionate about helping clients live their healthiest lives and empowering them to make positive changes for lasting results.

My mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health and well-being through a holistic and personalized approach to weight loss.

By combining medical expertise with genuine care, I strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those I serve.



Compounded Semaglutide and Tirzepatide prescribed in the comfort of your home!

Just 3 Easy Steps

  • Nurse Weight Loss Screening Call

  • Telehealth Provider Consultation

  • Medication Delivery


Weight Loss Program

  • 1-on-1 Consultation with Provider and Monitoring

  • Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program

  • Convenient Flexible Hours

  • Semaglutide and supplies

  • Free Priority Shipping

  • World Class Customer Service

  • Community

  • Monthly Coaching Calls


Weight Loss Program

  • 1-on-1 Consultation with Provider and Monitoring

  • Medically Supervised Weight Loss Program

  • Convenient Flexible Hours

  • Tirzepatide and supplies

  • Free Priority Shipping

  • World Class Customer Service

  • Community

  • Monthly Coaching Calls

Medically Supervised GLP-1 Weight Loss Program

Improved Health

24/7 Support

Reach Your Goals Effortlessly

When medical weight loss and coaching are combined, it creates a powerful dynamic that can lead to significant progress and success. The coach helps the client to set clear goals and develop a plan to achieve them, while also holding them accountable for taking action and making progress towards those goals.

Eat Good. Feel Good.

Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can provide many benefits, including improved energy levels, better mood, and reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. By contrast, a diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats can contribute to feelings of lethargy, anxiety, and overall poor health.

Learn to prioritize whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats, while reducing consumption of processed and high-sugar foods. This approach to eating can help to balance blood sugar, improve digestion, and support overall health and well-being.

Because You Matter

Learn to create life-long habits that support your health and wellness.

Personalized Medical Weight Loss

Effective GLP-1 medications prescribed in the comfort of your home or office and delivered straight to your door.

Certified Nurse Wellness Coach

Add-on option of 1-on-1 coaching by an experienced and certified nurse wellness coach

Weight Loss Best Practices

Learn the foundations to health and improve your life and the life of your loved ones

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

Semaglutide is a monthly subscription for $295 a month.

Tirzepatide is a monthly subscription for $449 a month.

How often do I get my medication?

Your medication will be shipper every 4 weeks after completing a short follow up questionnaire.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Simply send an email to [email protected] 15 days prior to your next payment.

There are no long-term commitments.

How does RSW medical weight loss program work?

RSW provides both medically supervised, weight loss programs and wellness coaching. The medical management subscription includes the medical, telehealth consult and delivery of the medication to your home. However, at RSW you have the option to add wellness coaching to your medical weight loss program to provide approach to wellness through a personalized approach to nutrition, movement, sleep and recharge (stress management).

What if I decide not to join RSW medical weight loss program?

You will only be charged $49.95 for the consultation.

Get this GUIDE for FREE!



Discover the transformative power of

self-love on your journey to optimal wellbeing.

*ALSO includes FREE templates


A woman holds a plant amidst greenery

Unlock the Power of Mindful Movement: Enhance Your Wellness Journey Today

April 28, 20243 min read

“The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life..” — B.K.S. Iyengar


In a world where work and business is often worn as a badge of honor, it’s essential to remember the profound impact of slowing down and being present in our activities. At Rising Stars Wellness, we believe in the power of mindful movement—not just as a form of exercise but as a transformative practice that nurtures both body and mind. Whether you’re a busy professional struggling to find time for fitness or someone who has faced setbacks in traditional health programs, mindful movement offers a refreshing path to wellness.

The Essence of Mindful Movement

Mindful movement is about more than just physical activity; it’s about engaging with every motion in a way that connects you to the present moment. This practice could be as simple as noticing your breath during a walk, feeling the texture of the ground under your feet, or observing the rhythmic patterns of your body while exercising. By focusing on these elements, you transform routine physical activities into rich, meditative experiences that promote greater mental clarity and reduced stress.

Benefits for Busy Professionals

For busy professionals, integrating mindful movement into your day can be a game-changer. Here’s how it can help:

  • Stress Reduction: Mindful movement helps in mitigating stress by keeping you anchored in the present moment, easing anxiety and mental clutter.

  • Enhanced Focus: Regular practice improves concentration and mental acuity, which are essential for productivity and effective decision-making.

  • Physical Health: It contributes to improved flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health, all while being gentle on the body.

Integrating Mindful Movement into Your Routine

  1. Start Small: Begin with five-minute sessions of mindful walking or gentle stretching. The key is consistency, not intensity.

  2. Use Technology: Apps and reminders can help you integrate brief sessions of mindfulness into your busy schedule.

  3. Involve Your Senses: Pay attention to the sights, sounds, and sensations of your environment to enrich your experience.

  4. Integrate Movement into Daily Tasks: Whether it's choosing stairs over the elevator, walking during lunch breaks, or stretching while watching TV, small changes can make a big impact.

  5. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during different activities. Does it feel strained, or energized? Adjust accordingly to support your body's needs.

  6. Set Intentional Breaks for Movement: Schedule short breaks during your workday specifically for stretching or walking. These breaks can reduce stress and boost your productivity.

Why Choose Rising Stars Wellness?

At Rising Stars Wellness, we don’t just prescribe solutions; we partner with you to create sustainable health practices. Our approach is rooted in our core values of "Progress, not perfection" and "Love yourself to Health." We understand the unique challenges faced by busy professionals, and we tailor our coaching to fit your individual needs, helping you build a healthier lifestyle one mindful step at a time.


Embracing mindful movement can significantly enhance your wellness journey, turning everyday activities into opportunities for health and growth. With Rising Stars Wellness, you’re not just joining a program; you’re starting a movement towards a more mindful, healthful life. Dive deeper into how mindful movement can benefit you personally—join us and unlock your potential today!

Anjelis Oliveira, PhD, MSN, RN

Doctorally prepared registered nurse with more than 18 years patient care experience with a passion for health promotion and disease prevention.

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